Como proyecto final, esta misma tarde entregué un artefacto digital, utilizando para ello la aplicación PowToon.  La finalidad de la tarea es describir mi recorrido por el curso.
Creo que viendo la presentación he documentado ligeramente el trabajo realizado y, personalmente, creo que quedó muy bien, si no lo crees echa un vistazo a la presentación, que podrás ver desde este enlace:

Finalmente, compartí el proyecto en la comunidad Procomún, así podéis verlo en el siguiente enlace
Tampoco olvidé, como todas las tareas realizadas en el curso, escribir un tweet a el hashtag del curso #REAaicle_INTEF.

Como siempre, espero que lo disfrutéis. 

       This is a new unit for work in class, which it will become from pupil of first grade of primary school into landscape explorers who they have just studied The Earth unit. So we going to introduce to the pupils in the study of landscape around the world, our planet. If you want yourself to start up in this new adventure then you get your rucksack, your explorer hat, open your eyes and get ready for fun around dreamy places of our planet.
To get it, we will help of different tools, like books, computers, digital whiteboard (ICT), pictures and others that you could get. On the other hand, we could discover some landscapes which we have visited before or have close to home. This job could be more interesting than we ever thought.
Following, you will find a list with everything that we will study (Subject Content):
·      Landscape in our planet.
·      Natural and artificial landscape.
·      Kinds of Natural landscapes: Mountain, plain and coastal landscape.
·      Our world. Looking after our planet.

Also, we students should get the following aims:
·      Knows the concept of landscape.
·      Contrast the diversity among the kinds of landscape.
·      Recognize the features about the landscape: desert, city, mountains and coast.
·      Identify natural and artificial landscapes.
·      Ask and give information.

To get them, the students will make activities and tasks which they are important to create knowledge by themselves. Among these jobs they will have to make the followings:
·      To work with landscape vocabulary and listen a song about landscapes and repeat it.
·      Visit web with images and video of different landscape.
·       To introduce topic using art print (poster) with several landscapes (desert, city, mountains and coast).
·      Select natural and artificial landscapes among several landscapes.
·      Draw. Change a natural landscape into an artificial landscape.
·      Complete sentence with the words: natural and artificial.
·      Differentiate several images among mountains, plains and coast landscape.
·      Put stickers on a coast landscape (island, sea, cliff, rocks and beach).
·      Create a spring landscape with the following materials: cardboard, coloured paper, scissors and glue.
·      Interaction game: make a quiz with questions of multiple choice to task classmates.
·      Recognize and say the kind of landscape after hearing about their main elements.
·      And a final task: To recognize and say the kind of landscape after hearing about their main elements (use different images).

Activities will be done depending on the development of the class time, which will always consists, at least, of these parts:
- Warm-up: introduction (explain what we are going to do), working time (alternating activities on the languages skills), resolutions the tasks and conclusions.
We will be carried out through two week, in addition to class work the students will need extra time to investigate and find some photograph or images about landscape that they visited in the past or nearby places to home.

As example about the resources, I show you some of them:
·         Poster to introduction the unit. We will add a chant too.

·         To introduce several language structure and vocabulary, like:
o   Mountains have peaks and valleys.
o   Plains are areas of flat land.
o   A bay is a natural landscape / A harbor is an artificial landscape.
o   On the (coast), we can find ______, ______ and _______ .
o   There are cliffs, beaches, rocks and islands.
o   And others.

·         Work time. Conversations about kind of landscape, and work about them.

·         Work time. We change a natural landscape into an artificial landscape.

·         As part of work, the students will access to interactive task for consolidate the contents and build their own knowledge.

·         In the last session, finally every students should identify all kinds of landscape, so they recognize the landscape and their main elements of the different images (suggestion on task and supplied for themselves).

 At last, I can only wish you good trip in this adventure about the landscapes in our planet.

Creando material propio para completar la unidad.


Para crear los nuevos materiales de la unidad, y teniendo en cuenta las características del alumnado al que va enfocado, he tenido en cuenta que producción propia podemos trabajar con ellos.

Antes de crear los contenidos, trabajamos sobre los objetivos que se pretenden conseguir con recursos que crearé, para ello, y en la tarea 3.2., de forma que éstos quedaron de la forma que describo a continuación:

-          Póster con diferentes paisajes. Se conversará sobre las características propias de cada paisaje.
o   Sand – high peaks – sea – city.
Para adquirir el vocabulario y contenido de los diferentes paisajes. Utilizamos la canción de inicio para señalar los paisajes a los que va refiriéndose.
-          Canción: “Where do you live?”
o   Mientras cantamos la canción vamos señalando el paisaje al que pertenece.
Para asimilar el concepto de los paisajes natural y artificial.
-          Primero vamos a utilizar imágenes en la PDI, nos sirve para identificar si es un paisaje natural o artificial.
-          Seguidamente dado un paisaje natural el alumno debe modificar la imagen para convertirlo en artificial.
Para identificar los diferentes paisajes. Mostraremos tarjetas que los alumnos/as tendrán que indicar el tipo de paisaje.
VAMOS A UTILIZAR VARIAS ESTRUCTURAS. La intención es que el alumno identifique los diferentes escenarios utilizando las estructuras que se indican.
Have you ever seen a high peak? When?
Se preguntará si han visitado alguna vez algunos de los tipos de paisajes. Se espera que los alumnos y alumnas sean capaz de identificar el tipo de paisaje.
Have you ever visit a mountain/valley/beach? When?
Preguntamos a los alumnos/as si visitaron alguno de los paisajes, y si son capaces de recordar algo que identifique el tipo de paisaje.
Para indicar que ven o identificar un paisaje. Deben usar alguna estructura de las indicadas:
-          It is a natural/artificial landscape.
-          The mountain has peaks.
Se utilizaran actividades de identificar y producir paisajes característicos. Por un lado imágenes en la pizarra digital para identificar el paisaje.
A modo de esquema se creará un lámina con los diferentes escenarios característicos de cada paisaje.

Se trabajará el repaso, como actividad. Se motivará al alumnado para que traigan fotos o postales de lugares visitados. Así, lo mostrarán en clase, dirán donde es y que tipo de paisaje, además indicarán si es natural o artificial.
Se ampliará la unidad trabajando sobre la importancia de reservar los espacios naturales. Que es malo y bueno. Se estudiará que podemos hacer cuando visitamos un lugar natural y del perjuicio de la contaminación del ecosistema.

El trabajo de la tarea consistirá en investigar sobre el paisaje que más le guste a cada alumno/a, y en pequeños grupos, usando cartulinas crear un paisaje. Siempre explicando el por qué de los elementos que incorporamos.

Posteriormente, en la tarea 3.3 he reflexionado sobre andamiaje para el contenido lingüístico, aportando a las actividades de recursos apropiados al alumnado y facilitando, según creo, a su aprendizaje y auto-evaluación con las mismas.

Finalmente, cree una actividad multimedia, utilizando la herramienta:
Después de navegar por la web, y pensando para que tipo de alumnado estoy preparando la actividad, me decidí por una actividad de seleccionar unas de las estructuras trabajadas en clase. La herramienta me pareció muy útil.

La actividad creada podéis visitarla en el siguiente enlace:

Taller para la planificación de la unidad AICLE


La primera tarea del tercer bloque se realizó a través de un taller, así que teníamos un tiempo limitado para cada una de las fases de la tarea.
Fase de configuración
Fase de envío
Fase de evaluación
Fase de calificación de evaluaciones
  • Abierto para envíos desde viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014, 07:00 (hace 22 días)
  • Plazo de presentación: miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014, 23:55 (hace 16 días)
  • Evaluar a compañeros
    Total: {$a-> total}
    pendiente: 0
  • Autoevaluarse
  • Abierto para evaluación desde jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014, 07:00 (hace 16 días)
  • Plazo de evaluación: lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014, 23:55 (hace 11 días)
Además de preparar la planificación de la unidad, teníamos una fase de evaluación que creo que fue muy instructiva, ya que en ella no solo nos evaluamos a nosotros mismo encontrando algunos errores que servirán para mejorar tanto la planificación de esta tarea como para mejorar en nuestras habilidades para crear otras.
Por otro lado se evaluaron varios trabajos de compañeros/as, que nos hace reflexionar sobre otras posibilidades para crear los diseños propios.

Personalmente, creo que fue una buena actividad para reflexionar.

Finalmente, la Unidad Didáctica que diseñé quedó de la siguiente forma:

Template to design a CLIL didactic unit

Subject: Science                                                      Teacher: Fernando Gil

Title of the Unit: Natural Landscapes                     Course / Level: First grade Primary School.          

1. Learningoutcomes
 / Evaluationcriteria
·     To differentiate natural from urban landscapes.
·     To classify natural landscapes into three main groups:
·       Mountain landscape
·       Plain landscapes
·       Coastal landscape
·     To recognize the vocabulary related to the topic as well as understand classroom instructions, simple words and structures.
·      To read and copy the main vocabulary related to the topic.
·      To actively participate in the development of individual and group work carried out through the unit.
·      To respect classmate’s contributions to the development of the topic.
·      Final task: to recognize and say the kind of landscape after hearing about their main elements.
2. Subject Content
·      Landscape in our planet.
·      Natural and artificial landscape.
·      Kinds of Natural landscapes: Mountain, plain and coastal landscape.
·      Our world. Looking after our planet.

3. Language Content / Communication

·      Natural or urban landscapes.
·      Mountain landscape: mountain, mountain.
·      Range, peak, hill, snow, narrow rivers.
·      Plain landscape: plain, valley, river, lake, forest, wide rivers, town, city…
·      Coastal landscape: coast, sea, beach, cliffs, islands, sand, rocks.

Have you ever seen a high peak? When?
Have you ever visit a mountain/valley/beach? When?
Present simple, there are/is, is/are, have.
Classroom management:
The *** is/are a natural/artificial landscape.
The mountain have peaks or valleys.
Natural landscapes: Bays, mountains and islands are natural landscapes.
Complete: A bay is a _________ landscape.

Artificial landscapes: Peolple can change natural landscapes.
For example, they build harbours and buildings.
Complete: A harbor is an _________ landscape.

In spring, days are _____. (longer).
People spend more time ________.outside.
Flowers  ______ on plants. bloom.

Mountains have peaks and valleys.
Plains are areas of flat land.

The coast is the land next to the sea.
There are cliffs, beaches, rocks and islands.
On the coast, we can find ________, ________ and _________.

Interaction, reading, writing, listening and speaking
4. Contextual (cultural) element
This unit is thought to be taught at the end of second term. Usually, last units in 1st level are about natural and artificial landscapes. This unit would be a general introduction to the students will be able to know the kind and peculiarities about the Earth landscapes.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
·       Knows the concept of landscape.
·       Contrast the diversity among the kinds of landscape.
·       Recognize the features about the landscape: desert, city, mountains and coast.
·       Identify natural and artificial landscapes.
·       Ask and give information.
6. (a) Task(s)
Final tasks will be proposed:
-To recognize and say the kind of landscape after hearing about their main elements (use different images).
6. (b) Activities
·       To work with landscape vocabulary and listen a song about landscapes and repeat it.
·       Visit web with images and video of different landscape.
·        To introduce topic using art print (poster) with several landscapes (desert, city, mountains and coast).
·       Select natural and artificial landscapes among several landscapes.
·       Draw. Change a natural landscape into an artificial landscape.
·       Complete sentence with the words: natural and artificial.
·       Differentiate several images among mountains, plains and coast landscape.
·       Put stickers on a coast landscape (island, sea, cliff, rocks and beach).
·       Create a spring landscape with the following materials: cardboard, coloured paper, scissors and glue.
·       Interaction game: make a quiz with questions of multiple choice to task classmates.
·       Recognize and say the kind of landscape after hearing about their main elements.

7. Methodology
Organization and classdistribution / timing

Great group work:
Common activities, introduction to different items, general explication, presentation of tasks.
Small group:
Games, oral activities, search and organization of material.
Pair work:
Dialogues, presentations.
Personal work:
Create or complete of sentence, draw.

§   Timing:
Activities will be done depending on the development of the class time, which will always consists, at least, of these parts:
- Warm-up: introduction (explain what we are going to do), working time (alternating activities on the languages skills), resolutions the tasks and conclusions.
Resources / Materials

Art print or poster.
Cardboards and colored paper.
Photocopies to activities.
ICT – for video, audio and images.
Key Competences
§  Competence on knowledge of the environment and interaction with the physical world.
Classmate organize concepts and learn vocabulary about landscape.
§  Treatment of information and digital recourses.
Use ICT resources during the unit development and the final tasks.

§  Social and civic competence.
The students will take awareness of the their cultural diversity in the different landscapes.
§  Learning to learn competence.
The students to be more autonomous in their learning: making summaries, organizing information, …
§  Artistic competence.
Making draw and create landscape the students recognize some important artistic works.
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
1. criteria: Students can…
a.    Use vocabulary about landscape.
b.    Recognize different types of landscapes: desert, mountains, coast and city.
c.    Differentiate natural from urban landscape
d.    Recognize a natural landscape from one that is not.
e.    Naming features of mountain scenery and coastal plains.
f.     Differentiate the characteristics of spring scenery: sun, meadows, mountains, flowers, trees, etc.
g.    Show interest in nature conservation and develop habits of caring for the environment.
2. Instruments:
a.    Initial evaluation. Vocabulary review.
b.    Evaluation rubrics.
c.    Pupil classroom notebook.
d.    Work observation.
e.    Activities correction.
f.     Attitude criteria: respect classroom rules.
g.    Analysis of oral activities (rubrics).

Feel free to use this template. Thanks for attributing the source.

A first sample of this template has been published at:

Pérez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la metodología AICLE" en V. Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos. Sevilla: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba.171-180.

It is mainly based on the hands-on experience at designing units and on conversations with experts and peers. The theory of the 4Cs by Do Coyle has also been taken into account. This theory has been shown in various publications, such as: Coyle, D., Hood, P. and Marsh, D., 2010. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.